Investing Strategy

The Winning Combo: Dividend Growth Investing and Portfolio Diversification

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In the world of investing, numerous strategies can be adopted to achieve different goals, such as the popular approach of dividend growth investing (DGI). DGI involves investing in stocks with a track record of consistently increasing dividend payouts. This tactic aims to build a portfolio of stocks that provide a steady income stream and have

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Are utility stocks a safe investment: Thoughts for dividend growth investors

windmills on green field under white sky during daytime - Are utility stocks a safe investment

When it comes to investing, there are plenty of options but many investors struggle with the question: Are utility stocks a safe investment? Utilities might be a practical choice for the average dividend-growth investor. With a steady income stream, utilities can provide investors with the financial security they need. That’s because utilities are essential services

Are utility stocks a safe investment: Thoughts for dividend growth investors Read More »

The Dividend Growth Mindset: Building a Strong Portfolio for the Future

a person stacking coins on top of a table

As individuals, we all have unique investment goals and objectives that guide our financial decisions. While short-term investments can provide quick returns, long-term investing with a dividend growth mindset offers many benefits that are often overlooked. By prioritizing long-term investment strategies, you can position yourself for sustainable and consistent growth over time, ensuring a more

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Blue-Chip Stocks: 5 Elite Dividend Titans Adored by Hedge Fund Giants

a person typing on a laptop on a table - Blue-chip stocks

Are you on the hunt for exceptional long-term dividend growth from blue-chip stocks? These are the stocks that not only pay dividends but also steadily increase over time. And to sweeten the deal, they are considered safe bets and the darlings of the hedge fund industry. So, without further ado, let’s dive into the top

Blue-Chip Stocks: 5 Elite Dividend Titans Adored by Hedge Fund Giants Read More »

The best dividend investing strategy?

investor counting coins - Dividend investing strategy

provide an overview of the dividend investing strategysnowball-vs-dividend-growth-strategy/”>dividend investing strategy, or investing in dividend-bearing stocks can be a profitable way to create long-term wealth. Dividend investing is an approach to investing that involves earning passive income from the dividends paid out by companies with strong long-term fundamentals. By investing in stocks that have a high

The best dividend investing strategy? Read More »

Five reasons to love dividend growth stocks and dividend growth investing

Getting paid with dividend growth investing; focus photography of person counting dollar banknotes

I was asked the other day why I enjoy dividend stocks and dividend growth investing so much. There are many reasons that I hope to elaborate on over time in other posts, but here are five quick reasons now that explains why I love dividend growth stocks and dividend growth investing so much. Note that

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Dividend Snowball Effect: 7 Steps to Reinvesting Dividends for Wealth Generation and Maximizing Your Returns

Dividend growth investing with the dividend snowball effect

What is the Dividend Snowball Effect? A dividend Snowball Effect is an investing strategy where one reinvest their dividends back into the same stock in order to receive larger dividends in the future. The dividend snowball effect is the compounding effect of reinvesting dividends that allows investors to receive a larger number of shares, which

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How dividend stock investing ROCKETS wealth: 5 important reasons in 2023

focus photography of person counting dollar banknotes -- dividend stock investing

What Is Dividend Stock Investing? Dividend stock investing is an investment strategy where investors seek out stocks that pay regular dividends. A dividend is a per-share payment made by a company to its shareholders, usually on a quarterly or annual basis. The dividend yield is the percentage of a stock’s price that is paid out

How dividend stock investing ROCKETS wealth: 5 important reasons in 2023 Read More »

Core-Satellite Strategy for Dividends Success

green and white ceramic figurine --Core-Satellite Strategy for Dividends

How the core-satellite strategy can help you reach your investment goals The Core-Satellite Strategy for Dividends is a simple but effective way to invest. The strategy involves dividing your portfolio into two parts: the core, which is made up of a small number of well-chosen, low-cost index funds; and the satellite, which consists of a

Core-Satellite Strategy for Dividends Success Read More »